
so i decided to make a loglang. the goal of the language is to be as human readable as possible, while still being fully grammatically unambiguous, since the latter is the goal of a loglang.

phonology & orthography

labial alveolar palatal velar
nasal m~m̪ n~n̪ ŋ <q>
stop p~p̪, b~b̪t~t̪, d~d̪ k, g
fricativef~ɸ, v~βs, z ʃ~ɕ~ʂ <c>, ʒ~ʑ~ʐ <j>h~x~χ, ɣ <x>
liquid r~ɾ~ʀ~ʁ~ɹ, l
glide w j <y> (w)
these symbols are the IPA transcriptions of their respective sounds in [loglang]. the <symbols between angle brackets> indicate how a sound is romanized, in case a different symbol is used than in the IPA. otherwise the first symbol listed is used.
closei~ɪ u~ʊ
mid e~ɛ o~ɔ
open a~ɑ

the syllable structure is:

(#)C₁V(G)(C₂) / (#)FV(G)(C₂)#
where # indicates a word boundary; (#) means that a syllable might touch a word boundary there, although this doesn't necessarily need to be the case. # without parentheses means there must be a word boundary in that position.
C₁ = m, n, p, t, k, b, d, g, f, s, ʃ, h, r, l, w or j
V = i, u, e, o or a
G = w or j
C₂ = m, n, p, t, k, b, d, g, f, s, ʃ, h, r, l
F = v, z, ʒ or ɣ

some more phonotactical rules are:

- an epenthetic schwa [ə] may be inserted between any two consonants, including glides, as well as at the start or end of a word in case it makes speaking easier
- if the nucleus of a syllable is /i/ or /u/, there can be no /j/ or /w/ in the coda, respectively. to be clear, /iw/ and /uj/ are allowed, as are /ijV/ and /uwV/ (where V is of course any vowel) because there, the /j/ and /w/ are part of the onset of the next syllable rather than the coda of the one that the aforementioned /i/ or /u/ is in
- stress falls onto the penult


[loglang] has two major categories of words: content-words and particles. content words consist of a stem and a suffix. the suffix always follows the form FV(G), and denotes the part of speech that the content-word is. particles always follow the form FV(G)C₂ and have various functions.

derivation of the stems

[loglang] is an arithmographic language. arithmographic languages are a type of taxonomic language where you don't have semantic roots in the form of phonemic sequences, but numerical ones. these are multiplied together to generate a number that corresponds to the stem. then the phonology serves as a number system in which the number is expressed. the roots of [loglang] follow the expression p2n, where p is any prime number and n is any non-negative integer. [loglang] uses a mixed radix base 2880 positional number system to notate the resulting number, where every syllable is a single cycle of the radices, as explained below.

number system (base 2880 mixed radix)
C₁ radixmnpbtdkgfsc h r l w y
16 0123456789101112131415
V(G) radixiueoauyeyoyayiwewaw
12 012345 6 7 8 9 1011
(C₂) radixØmnpbtdkgfs c h r l
15 01234567891011121314

unlike how positional number systems are usually ordered, the syllable that represents the most significant digit(s) is placed last, rather than first.


while the exact phonetic forms of the suffixes still has to be chosen, there are at least 3 planned: one that indicates a word is a verb, one that indicates a word is a noun derived from the subject of said verb, and one that indicates a word is an adjective that describes its head as being the subject of the verb form.



the basic word order in this loglang is SOV.

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